The Blurry Lens: Why Clarity is Elusive

The Blurry Lens: Why Clarity is Elusive

I have new glasses! So much more than a quest to literally improve the clarity of my eyesight, the last four months have been a metaphor for gaining INNER clarity. Kind of a deep stretch, you say? Maybe… Except there’s a “tragicomical” story behind this...
Fall Season: A Time to Reflect for Personal Growth

Fall Season: A Time to Reflect for Personal Growth

A New Perspective on Reflection and Its Emotional Benefits PRESS RELEASE, BRADENTON, FL, September 26, 2023— The fall equinox this past Saturday marked the beginning of Autumn—nature’s season to slow down and let go. It’s also the best time to let our personal energy...
How Emotions Improve Critical Decision-Making

How Emotions Improve Critical Decision-Making

Would you make a big decision after knowing only 10% of the situation? Maybe not intentionally, but you probably do this more often than you think. Here’s why…  It’s said we’re consciously aware of 2-10% of what our brain is “up to.” This is the...
Samantha’s Heart – What My Cat Taught Me

Samantha’s Heart – What My Cat Taught Me

Click to view online as a Flip Book! “I’m not gone. I’m in different form. I continue to be your master teacher. As you evolve, my teachings evolve from the physical form to allow you to continue to spiral in your growth.  I know you’re hurting, but you are learning...
Is Santa Real? What if…

Is Santa Real? What if…

Is Santa Claus Real? Do you remember when you asked this question? I was about 6 when I first had my doubts. My mom and sister tried to keep me believing for years after, but I had come to know the myth of the man in the red suit. I remember feeling ashamed for being...