The Art of Letting Go

The Art of Letting Go

Control is a paradox. The more you try to control the outcome, the more chaotic it becomes. And, in the end, the result you wanted often evades you. Quicksand is a perfect example of where more effort does more harm than good. But what about in real life? It was a...
Discover the True Power of Inspiration

Discover the True Power of Inspiration

Discover the True Power of Inspiration We all love to be inspired. The feeling, the momentum, the jolt of “yes!” that moves us away from feeling stagnant. Inspiration lifts us up and gives us the bit of bravery we need to encourage change. It could be for...
Understand the Greatest Act of Self-Love

Understand the Greatest Act of Self-Love

“Self-love is knowing how far you’ve come instead of judging the distance you still have to go.”  This is my own quote, and it’s something that I often forget to acknowledge. You see, I self-classify as a recovering perfectionist. I always received A’s in...
“Man”euvering Through Emotional Quicksand

“Man”euvering Through Emotional Quicksand

Working through our trauma is like encountering quicksand… Walkthrough on your own, and you’re likely to sink from panic.   Choosing not to cross keeps you trapped, unable to progress.   Freedom comes from accepting a hand from those on the other side. . We are all...
Timing, a Master Teacher

Timing, a Master Teacher

Timing. I never had a talent for this when I was younger.  As a teenager, I’d wait for my mom to come home from work; within the first couple of minutes, I’d ask something of her like, “Can I go to my friend’s house tomorrow after school?”  Or, “Will you take me...