I have new glasses! So much more than a quest to literally improve the clarity of my eyesight, the last four months have been a metaphor for gaining INNER clarity. Kind of a deep stretch, you say? Maybe…
Except there’s a “tragicomical” story behind this seemingly simple pair of glasses!
2023 was a difficult year for me. Grief, loss, stagnation—I could not envision my future clearly AT ALL. I was all over the place, depending on the day, for what I wanted to do, go, and be for myself and my clients. No matter how hard I tried, clarity eluded me.
As a Gemini, I’m used to people thinking my multi-tasking is “fickle,” but there’s always been a process to my overlapping endeavors. I’d have an inner nudge, or excitement guided me when to temporarily pause one project or start another. But not last year. This lack of inner vision was expressed physically with great changes to my eyesight.
I would have to flip back and forth between my readers, contacts, and old glasses! Sometimes I’d have two pairs of glasses on at once (and don’t get me started if I needed sunglasses on, too!). It was comedic on the outside! But I was soooo over it on the inside; patience was never an easy virtue for me.
So, in August, I decided to take action and get progressive lenses. (~Sigh. Does anyone else feel me here?)
A simple task yet there was nothing easy about it. A wrong Rx, an optometrist who wouldn’t recheck his work and gaslighting me into thinking it was “only me”, three returned pairs, and a small breakdown out of frustration. This took me through November, and I was back to square one. And, exhausted.
I knew I had to follow my own advice and wait it out; there was a reason this wasn’t working for me. Would surgery be better for me? Or would a prettier frame come out shortly? I didn’t know, but I followed the flow of circumstances knowing it would always be for my benefit, saving energy and even more/unwarranted frustration—IF I could be patient.
I was being delayed in seeing clearly on the outside until I could see myself more clearly from the inside. It wasn’t anything I did consciously; I simply allowed myself to be, enjoy the holidays with family, and fully experience that love and connection. Of course, it sounds like I did that naturally, but nope! I forgot. I forgot because, well… I didn’t expect a life lesson to come in the simple task of buying glasses! But after three months of roadblocks and greater confusion for why – this – was – being – so – difficult… the “Ah ha” set in. I was being taught there are messages for me in the everyday just as much as in the grander journeys of major decisions or career goals. I needed to wait.
A new year brought new energy. On January 2nd, I went to a new optometrist. I knew the timing was right because everything easily flowed! Doc confirmed the original Rx was wrong, corrected my script, and spent so much time with me listening to my concerns.
He even discussed new options for higher-quality progressive lenses; something nobody else had ever done because it meant deferring me to another business. (BTW, Varilux XR lenses are so worth the extra $200! I highly recommend them for those who are hesitant to get progressive or who don’t like wearing them).
Do you feel like you have “blurry lenses” when seeing your future? My advice is not to force clarity. It’s elusive for a reason. Allow it to take its time and see the joy that’s right in front of you. Healing doesn’t always have to be consciously explained or understood, and clarity comes naturally when we live in the moment instead of always focusing on the future. We just have to follow the clues life gives us.
Besides, It may not be your time to heal or shift but the people who are to come into collaboration to help. Either way, this downtime? It’s a gift—your recess in Earth School!
Wa-la! A few weeks later my new glasses arrived! I keep singing the lyrics, “I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.” They fit perfectly. I see perfectly. I barely notice the progressive lenses. I feel the truth resonate in my body when I get to the lyrics, “it’s gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day!“
Watch out 2024. I see you clearly now, and here I come!